Industry Analysis - Recognising & Using Market Potential
An important factor for the development of companies are industry-specific influences which BAK has been analysing since 1980. This involves industry-specific forecasts and risk analyses as well as the influence of structural correlations or economic policy framework conditions. The broad model and analysis structure also serves as a starting point for in-depth analyses of company-specific issues and the development of solutions.
Advantages of an industry analysis
Strategic support Professional support in strategic as well as operational processes including well-founded classification of market developments |
Recognising and exploiting market potential Using forecast indicators and analyses with BAK models |
Identifying opportunities & risks Influencing technologies, economic policy decisions and structural change |
How important is the industry from an economic perspective?
The industry analysis demonstrates the importance of an industry through a model-based impact analysis, thus shedding light on the economic activity of an industry in the holistic economic cycle and showing how other industries benefit from it.
How has the industry developed and how can its performance be classified?
The growth analysis shows the historical path of an indistry and analyses the factors influencing the observed dynamics. In addition to the development of economic performance indicators such as value added or labour productivity, the development of key framework conditions is also traced. Changes in the environment play a driving role in the development of an industry.
How can the intraindustrial differences be better understood?
An analysis of structural aspects is part of the core of a industry portrait: the examination of sub-segments and business areas, market and size structure, human capital structure or regional structure yields interesting insights and contributes significantly to the understanding of structural change and its triggers. This is important for explaining historical development and sheds light on important trends as well as opportunities and risks in the future.
What influence do legal and political framework conditions exert on the development of the industry?
In addition to the economic framework conditions, location conditions exert a significant influence on the competitiveness of an industry. A theoretically sound and quantitatively supported analysis of the causal relationships between economic policy framework conditions, competitiveness and the economic development of an industry can raise awareness of the effects of individual economic policy measures.
What is important for an assessment of the current situation?
In addition to a performance check, the international comparison uncovers industry-specific success factors and identifies the importance of various framework conditions and location factors. From this, strategic measures at the company and industry level as well as recommendations for action regarding the design of economic policy and location-related framework conditions can be derived.
How are the general conditions and the development of the industry assessed?
The industry forecasts are based on insights about the development of economic framework conditions and structural fundamental factors. An additional benefit is that the models are embedded in a comprehensive international industry model, so that global triggers are taken into account in addition to the regional ones. This makes the forecasts objectively comprehensible, both in terms of economic forecasting and in the projection of long-term development paths.